Appointments may last approximately an hour and of course both parents or a family/friend are welcome to attend, but I will require a signed online consent form from a parent before the attendance of the appointment. Links to this form will be within your confirmation and reminder emails.
The appointment is initially for a full consultation to assess the baby, this may or may not include recommendation of a Frenulotomy or bodywork therapy.
Please bring a blanket to swaddle your baby and their red Child Health Book.
We will discuss further detaild from the Medical Consultation form, some family history and details regarding the baby’s birth, feeding methods and behaviours and alongside this information, an examination of the baby’s mouth and tongue will inform if the Frenulotomy is recommended.
If a Frenulotomy is indicated, it will be performed once you have confirmed consent secondary to the signed Consent form and once you feel fully informed regarding the procedure and its after effects.
The tongue tie is divided quickly using single use, blunt ended, curved, sterile scissors. There may be a small amount of bleeding seen on the gauze applied immediately afterwards.
I will ask you to prepare for either a breast or bottle feed to give straight away and I will support you with any help required if breast/chestfeeding and any ongoing support if necessary.
There are a small number of blood vessels and nerves that supply the frenulum, so it is reasonable to assume there may be some mild discomfort. However the majority of babies will undergo the procedure with little or no distress and settle immediately once feeding.
A baby can face challenges if they are bottle feeding, such as;
Also, when the baby is taking solid food they also may struggle to move the food around their mouth in the presence of a Tongue Tie.
Just call, text or email me and we will discuss an appropriate plan that may include further breast/chestfeeding support, Craniosacral therapy and/or a follow up appointment.